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Sri Lanka Health Accounts: National Health Expenditure 1990–2006
August, 2009

This publication presents our first major update of health accounts statistics for Sri Lanka since the original Sri Lanka National Health Accounts Report published in 2003 that complies with the System of Health Accounts (SHA) which is the global standard for reporting health expenditures published by the OECD.


Sri Lanka Health Accounts illustrates National Health Expenditure for all years between 1990 and 2006, by sources of funding and areas of expenditure.

Expenditure is analysed in terms of who provides the funding for health care – sources of financing, which organizations deliver those – services providers, what types of services are financed with those funds – functions, and where those expenditures occur – by province and district. Both sources of financing and providers are also categorized according to public and private sectors.

The system of reporting used is the Sri Lankan Health Accounts Framework, which is based on the World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed System of Health Accounts (OECD SHA), published by the OECD (2000).

The tables and figures in this publication present expenditures in terms of current and constant prices.


  1. Background
  2. Total Health Expenditure
  3. Financing of health expenditure
  4. Health expenditure by function
  5. Health expenditure by providers
  6. Health expenditure by province and district
  7. International comparisons
  8. Technical notes
  9. Appendix: SHA standard tables showing health expenditure in Sri Lanka by financing source, provider and function 1990–2006
  10. Glossary
  11. Bibliography

Additional Details

Publication Type
21 x 29.7 cm