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ILO Social Security Inquiry in Sri Lanka
September, 2005

Project report on ILO Social Security Inquiry pilot in Sri Lanka to test the feasibility of routine collection of data on social security coverage in the country.


Reliable social security statistics are an important precondition for good governance and policy-making. This report presents the findings and experience gained in implementing the ILO Social Security Inquiry in Sri Lanka on a pilot basis. Coverage with different social protection activities is estimated and quantified, and issues for future data collection are identified.


  1. Contents
  2. List of Tables
  3. Social Security Schemes in the Government Sector
  4. Approved Private Provident Funds
  5. Social Protection for the Elderly.
  6. Social Protection Facilities Available for the Disabled
  7. Special Support for Health Development and Relief for Catastrophic Illnesses (Facilities available for sickness and health)
  8. Facilities for the Unemployed
  9. Family and Children and Orphanages
  10. Housing Facilities and Benefits
  11. Other Facilities
  12. Informal Sector

Additional Details
