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This paper published in the Oxford Journals Health Policy and Planning March 2015 issue compares the quality of clinical care and patient satisfaction in public and private outpatient primary care services in Sri Lanka.

We compare the quality of care in public and private sector outpatient care in Malaysia using the National Medical Care Survey 2014, using 66 internationally validated quality indicators in 27,587 patient encounters.

This paper published in the Oxford Journals Health Policy and Planning March 2015 issue compares the quality of inpatient clinical care in public and private hospitals in Sri Lanka

The findings reveal how healthcare costs, quality, and physical barriers play differing roles in the countries studied in preventing access, and how families are often impoverished by accessing needed care.

The Sri Lanka case of the World Bank study was carried out by the Institute for Health Policy, and published together with the other country cases in “Good Practices in Health Financing: Lessons from reforms in low- and middle-income countries”.

Project report describing the results of the IHP anaysis of social disparities in MNCH outcomes in several WHO SEAR regional countries, and and the analysis of their determinants.

Results of the WHO-sponsored pilot study in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to use health accounts methods to estimate and track spending for child health.