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The response of Sri Lanka's health system to the COVID-19 pandemic
Findings and lessons from the Gates/Johns Hopkins/IHP Exemplar Study

A full-day workshop was held on 4 April 2023 to present and discuss findings from the Johns Hopkins/IHP Exemplar study on the response of Sri Lanka’s health system to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It was attended by a range of key stakeholders in the COVID response, including the former State Minister for Health, former Directors of MOH, Deputy Director Generals, Senior Consultants, other ministry representatives, Brigadiers of Army, WHO representatives, representatives of press, and civil society. 

Topics covered included: The national COVID control strategy; Border protection and preventive services; COVID-19 vaccination campaign; Maintaining essential health services, and financial and social support and public communication; Lessons learnt, best practices and other reflection. 

Each session was followed by a panel discussion and interactive Q & A session where participants reflected on their experiences of the COVID response.

For further information Contact: Dalreen Barthelot, Email:

IHP is an independent, non-partisan research centre based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.